Tuesday, July 04, 2006

- one -

one of the most beautiful things about Earth is the diversity of it. Unfortunately that's also what causes most of our problems, - our differences. In a perfect world not only would we accept each other along with the differences, but we'd love and embrace them for it. It's a shame that most of us take a defensive stance against those who are different.

On the other hand, the conflicts that we go through in life, no matter how big or small, make us better people..stronger people,less vulnerable and less fragile. But along with those traits, we become less trusting and more stubborn.

I wasn't dealt the best hand in life, but i appreciate the things that have happened to me and still are happening. I've gained a lot from my own mistakes. and I've also gained a lot from being forced to live a type of life that i did not choose. Because I know when it comes time to take charge of my life, i'll be better equipped.

So in a way, i'm happy that the world has the balance that it does, the euphoric highs, as well as the devastating lows. The only thing that i would change is the way people view conflicts...if only they would look at the problems they have as a lesson, something to learn from. instead of a reason to hurt others.

How beautiful would it be if the world could grow together? Grow and learn new things.... together. We wouldn't have all these super-rich countries vs. the poor 3rd World countries. Because we'd stop looking at it as countries.. we'd look at ourselves as a whole, a big family.. living on the same rock. Instead of instinctually picking a side, we need to learn to accept. Constructive criticism is only constructive if you know how to take it. Look within yourself and work out your problems, whats so bad about getting criticised if it makes you a better person? don't we all strive to be better?

Wouldn't it be beautiful if when countries give money to a place like aceh, they wouldn't expect anything back? Pure generosity for one another. Simply because you'd want it to happen to you. Treat everyone around you as if they were your father, or mother, brother or sister.

We haven't found another planet to live on yet, so learn to forgive the people here. You'll be stuck with them for at least 70years.

fear is what turns arguments into wars. love is what turns arguments into a smile, a laugh.. followed by "ok.. you're right, we'll try it like that"...

but for that to work, someones got to suck it up and actually say those words.. take the first step. I'm willing to do that... i wish more people would.

1 comment:

kkkk said...

wow. deep.
you're actually 100% right.
we have to unite to achieve whatever we want to.
but, I guess the only flaw in the system is the human ego. countries wanna be the best at what they can, so they strive to be a better country. its for their own selfish need, no for the needs of others..